[PolyORB-users] Re: [PolyORB-devel] ANNONCE: new edition of CSIv2 implementation

Vadim Godunko vgodunko at rostov.technoserv.ru
Mon Oct 16 08:41:44 CEST 2006

Jérôme Hugues wrote:
> some names in the patch could be changed to clarify the intent of  each 
> function, such as the "Is_Selected". I'm not sure what you mean.  Is it 
> Is_Security_Selected/Configured ?
Yes, I rename it, and attach new version of patch. Can you please review 
it one more time?

What do you think about integration of this patch into PolyORB?
-------------- next part --------------
Index: src/giop/polyorb-protocols-giop-giop_1_2.adb
--- src/giop/polyorb-protocols-giop-giop_1_2.adb	(revision 1)
+++ src/giop/polyorb-protocols-giop-giop_1_2.adb	(working copy)
@@ -585,6 +585,16 @@
          QoS_Parameter_Access (Service_Contexts));
       Rebuild_Request_QoS_Parameters (Req);
+      if Fetch_Secure_Transport_QoS /= null then
+         Add_Request_QoS
+         (Req,
+          Transport_Security,
+          Fetch_Secure_Transport_QoS
+          (PolyORB.Transport.Transport_Endpoint_Access
+           (Lower (Filter_Access (Lower (S))))));
+         --  XXX Should be reimplemented!
+      end if;
       if not SCtx.CSN_Complete then
          CSP :=
Index: src/giop/polyorb-binding_data-giop.adb
--- src/giop/polyorb-binding_data-giop.adb	(revision 1)
+++ src/giop/polyorb-binding_data-giop.adb	(working copy)
@@ -69,12 +69,20 @@
       --  XXX This is a temporary implementation. It is not conformant
       --  with PortableInterceptors and RebindPolicy specifications.
+      Throw (Error, No_Resources_E,
+             System_Exception_Members'
+             (Minor => 0, Completed => Completed_Maybe));
       while not Last (Iter) loop
-         Catch (Error);
-         Bind_Mechanism
-           (Value (Iter).all.all, Profile, The_ORB, QoS, BO_Ref, Error);
+         if Is_Security_Selected = null
+           or else Is_Security_Selected (QoS, Value (Iter).all)
+         then
+            Catch (Error);
+            Bind_Mechanism
+              (Value (Iter).all.all, Profile, The_ORB, QoS, BO_Ref, Error);
-         exit when not Found (Error);
+            exit when not Found (Error);
+         end if;
          Next (Iter);
       end loop;
Index: src/giop/polyorb-binding_data-giop.ads
--- src/giop/polyorb-binding_data-giop.ads	(revision 1)
+++ src/giop/polyorb-binding_data-giop.ads	(working copy)
@@ -73,6 +73,19 @@
    --  Return primary transport mechanism factory for profile factory.
+   type Is_Security_Selected_Hook is
+     access function
+     (QoS       : PolyORB.QoS.QoS_Parameters;
+      Mechanism :
+        PolyORB.GIOP_P.Transport_Mechanisms.Transport_Mechanism_Access)
+     return Boolean;
+   Is_Security_Selected : Is_Security_Selected_Hook := null;
+   --  This hook is used in profile binding procedure for avoid binding
+   --  transport mechanism others than selected by security service.
+   --  Binding of such mechanism may have unexpected behavior because some
+   --  security related information (credentials, for example) not available.
    type GIOP_Profile_Type is abstract new Profile_Type with record
Index: src/giop/iiop/polyorb-binding_data-giop-iiop.ads
--- src/giop/iiop/polyorb-binding_data-giop-iiop.ads	(revision 1)
+++ src/giop/iiop/polyorb-binding_data-giop-iiop.ads	(working copy)
@@ -88,6 +88,18 @@
      (PF : in out IIOP_Profile_Factory);
    --  Disable unprotected invocations
+   type Fetch_QoS_Callback is
+     access procedure (P : access IIOP_Profile_Type);
+   Security_Fetch_QoS : Fetch_QoS_Callback := null;
+   type Fetch_Tagged_Component_Callback is
+     access function
+     (OA : PolyORB.Objects.Object_Id)
+      return PolyORB.GIOP_P.Tagged_Components.Tagged_Component_Access;
+   Security_Fetch_Tagged_Component : Fetch_Tagged_Component_Callback := null;
    IIOP_Version_Major : constant Types.Octet := 1;
Index: src/giop/iiop/polyorb-binding_data-giop-iiop.adb
--- src/giop/iiop/polyorb-binding_data-giop-iiop.adb	(revision 1)
+++ src/giop/iiop/polyorb-binding_data-giop-iiop.adb	(working copy)
@@ -135,6 +135,10 @@
          new QoS_GIOP_Tagged_Components_Parameter'
           Create_QoS_GIOP_Tagged_Components_List (P.Components)));
+      if Security_Fetch_QoS /= null then
+         Security_Fetch_QoS (P);
+      end if;
    end Add_Profile_QoS;
@@ -276,6 +280,18 @@
                end loop;
          end if;
+         if Security_Fetch_Tagged_Component /= null then
+            declare
+               Aux : constant Tagged_Component_Access
+                 := Security_Fetch_Tagged_Component (Oid);
+            begin
+               if Aux /= null then
+                  Add (TResult.Components, Aux);
+               end if;
+            end;
+         end if;
       Add_Additional_Transport_Mechanisms (TResult'Access);
Index: src/giop/polyorb-protocols-giop.ads
--- src/giop/polyorb-protocols-giop.ads	(revision 1)
+++ src/giop/polyorb-protocols-giop.ads	(working copy)
@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@
 with PolyORB.Buffers;
 with PolyORB.Errors;
 with PolyORB.ORB;
+with PolyORB.QoS;
 with PolyORB.Representations.CDR;
 with PolyORB.Tasking.Mutexes;
+with PolyORB.Transport;
 with PolyORB.Types;
 with PolyORB.Utils.Dynamic_Tables;
 with PolyORB.Utils.Simple_Flags;
@@ -158,6 +160,14 @@
       Needs_Addressing_Mode);   -- 1.2 specific, but not implemented
+   --  Security Service Hooks
+   type Fetch_Secure_Transport_QoS_Hook is
+     access function (End_Point : PolyORB.Transport.Transport_Endpoint_Access)
+       return PolyORB.QoS.QoS_Parameter_Access;
+   Fetch_Secure_Transport_QoS : Fetch_Secure_Transport_QoS_Hook := null;
    type GIOP_Protocol is abstract new Protocol with null record;
Index: src/polyorb-qos.ads
--- src/polyorb-qos.ads	(revision 1)
+++ src/polyorb-qos.ads	(working copy)
@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@
-      DSA_TM_Info);
+      DSA_TM_Info,
+      Compound_Security,
+      Transport_Security);
    --  Definition of QoS parameters
Index: src/polyorb.conf
--- src/polyorb.conf	(revision 1)
+++ src/polyorb.conf	(working copy)
@@ -179,7 +179,14 @@
+# Security Service
 # CORBA parameters
@@ -492,3 +499,31 @@
+# Security Service configuration
+#gssup.username=username at domain

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