[gvd-users] Re: TAB key

Rodrigo Garcia gvd-users@lists.act-europe.fr
Wed, 04 Apr 2001 12:11:11 +0200

gvd-users-request@ACT-Europe.FR wrote:

> This feature is indeed on the wish list.
> As a work around, you can use the info func and info var functions.
> Arno
> --__--__--
> This feature is now implemented in the development version of GVD. See the
> libre.act-europe.fr web site for instructions on how to access this version
> through CVS if you really need that feature.
> Emmanuel
> --__--__--

    Thank you for your quick answer. I'm happy to hear that name completion
will be included in future releases of GVD. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, so I
think I will wait for the new version of the debugger in your "Libre Software"

    Thanks again,
