[gtkada] Glade

Nicolas Setton setton at adacore.com
Tue Feb 4 13:48:21 CET 2020

On 2/4/20 3:26 AM, L Dries wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have tried both ways, but I would prefer returning to the earlier 
> possibility of creating ADA files for various reasons:
>   * Understanding your program better.
>   * Making it easier to use GtkAda psrts when you are developping
>     pasckages for using in more programs.

I also have a preference for writing Ada directly. The main inconvenient 
with the GUI builder is the use of strings to identify widgets in the 
hierarchy, and losing the Ada type safety.

Glade is still quite useful to discover the widgets hierarchy and 
prototype a layout.

Hope this helps!


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