[gtkada] Glade

L Dries bertus.dries at planet.nl
Tue Feb 4 09:26:05 CET 2020

Hello all,

I have tried both ways, but I would prefer returning to the earlier 
possibility of creating ADA files for various reasons:

  * Understanding your program better.
  * Making it easier to use GtkAda psrts when you are developping
    pasckages for using in more programs.

For that reason I have made a program CR_Project in which can create a 
complete project or a package alone. In both the situations I get a 
standard kind of dialog. and I have to do some editing to get what I 
want but I do not have to read the XML file. I do not even know if the 
XML based solution can use language changes in which you have to rebuild 
all with other texts.

So I like to have the creating of Ada scripts back.


Op 3-2-2020 om 22:07 schreef Pascal:
>> Le 2 févr. 2020 à 02:44, Thomas De Contes <d.l.tDeContes at free.fr> a écrit :
>> Hi :-)
>> i read
>> https://docs.adacore.com/gtkada-docs/gtkada_ug/_build/html/glade.html
>> Do you think it is nice for beginners ?
>> Or is it better to have experience with classic usage of GtkAda, before use this tool,
>> and beginners should use gtkada directly without Glade before that ?
> Hello Thomas,
> Both are nice to know even for beginners ;-)
> I've written a short tuto with both, see:
> https://blady.pagesperso-orange.fr/a_savoir.html#gtkada
> https://blady.pagesperso-orange.fr/telechargements/gtkada/gtk-ada.pdf
> (in French)
> HTH, Pascal.
> https://blady.pagesperso-orange.fr
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Met vriendelijke groet

L Dries

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