[gtkada] SVN
Steve Kappel
steve.kappel.software at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 17:42:32 CEST 2013
I've been lurking here (and Ada in general) for a long time. I do not currently use Ada for anything. Before I commit I would use the toolset for hobby purposes and then, based on how it goes, consider expanding to other purposes. Since there is no binary libre release from AdaCore for one of my primary platforms, Solaris (x86), I have the added burden of having to build the toolset (including gprbuild, gtkada, gps, etc) myself. I was recently successful (after overcoming many problems) in getting much of the 2012 release built on my platforms - Solaris x86 and OS X.
At this point I view the Ada toolset with great reluctance. This isn't like any other open source. I would never spend money to experiment with a new language nor would I experiment without a full toolset (graphical debugger, for example). Why would I invest the learning curve to create hobby software, that might be open source, when subsequent potential consumers would view the situation with reservation for the same reasons? If I'm not successful with a language and toolset for hobby purposes I surely would not use them for other purposes (ie paying for a professional version of the toolset).
I understand the difficult situation AdaCore is in - the need to make money - but there is also the need to increase demand. My observation is that you have to plant enough seeds to grow a crop. There are certainly many forces at play that limit the potential success of Ada and this toolset. This half-hearted approach to open source doesn't help.
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