[gtkada] SVN

John Marino adacore at marino.st
Thu Jul 4 18:00:06 CEST 2013

On 7/4/2013 17:42, Steve Kappel wrote:
> Since there is no binary libre release
> from AdaCore for one of my primary platforms, Solaris (x86), I have
> the added burden of having to build the toolset (including gprbuild,
> gtkada, gps, etc) myself.  I was recently successful (after
> overcoming many problems) in getting much of the 2012 release built
> on my platforms - Solaris x86 and OS X.

Hi Steve,
My site www.dragonlace.net documents how I pursued support on *BSD and 
Solaris.  I'm also a committer for pkgsrc which is becoming increasingly 
important for Solaris-based distros.  Pkgsrc has all the those package 
and I will even update them to the latest soon.  (a caveat is that I'm 
having trouble building a new gnat bootstrap on SmartOS mainly because 
I'm trying to support -m64 as well).  Anyway, perhaps pkgsrc can at 
least address this issue.  I have particular interest in Solaris and 
illumos distros myself.

Others are spearheading OSX but pkgsrc supports OSX as well so this 
could be absorbed in the current work.


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