[gtkada] de-gnatchop and GtkAda 2.24

Op de Coul, Manuel Manuel.op.de.Coul at eon.com
Mon Jun 11 10:22:19 CEST 2012

Ludovic Brenta wrote:
> Personally, I first look at the line that triggers the bug (as reported in the compiler's bug box) and I try to construct a test case in a separate file.  
> I don't copy-paste anything because, usually, the coding conventions and identifier names just get in the way; my reproducer uses identifiers that are neutral or help
> understand the language constructs, not the intent of the program.  It usually takes effort to construct the reproducer, which is why you can't expect unpaid volunteers to
> do that for you :)

The source line that triggers the bug is the end statement of a long generic procedure.

+===========================GNAT BUG DETECTED==============================+
| 4.6.3 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) in compensate_edge, at reg-stack.c:2781        |
| Error detected around scale_functions-show_data.adb:1415:8               |

And the source list contains 348 files. I wouldn't know where to begin with a reproducer.
The bug as it turns out is not gnat bug but a gcc bug that's already 7 years old and keeps
coming back:

Anyway I can continue compilation if I compile one package without optimisation (-O0).
So that's the tip if anyone else encounters this.

After upgrading Ubuntu I of course also needed to recompile GtkAda. Because synaptic found
two new libgtkada packages with version 2.24 I installed those. It has some incompatibilities
with 2.18 which I want to work on but I can't find it at http://libre.adacore.com/download/.
The highest versions are still 2.18. I would to download the Windows and the complete source
packages. Are they going to be available soon?



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