[gtkada] Problem with File_Chooser in Windows

Paul Cass cassp41 at yahoo.com.au
Fri Nov 26 07:24:01 CET 2010


You said...

>>The GIMP's directory ~/share/themes should contain GTK themes, so does
>>GtkAda and GPS, if you are using the latter. Depending on which binaries
>>are first is the search path, is the GTK (Glib, Pango etc) used by your
>>application. Make GIMP's binaries searched first, and it will be the GIMP's
>>GTK, which more complete than the one coming with GtkAda or GPS.

I'm not entirely sure how Windows uses its environmental variables for DLLs but 
I assume it uses the standard PATH variable. I have altered this 
variable to search the GIMP\bin directory first but it had no effect.  In 
frustration I copied my development program exe into the GIMP\bin directory and 
it worked correctly without any warnings. Some of the icons looked different as 
well.   So, it seems I am on the right track and just need to get the 
environment corrrect.  I did find some information about program distribution 
and supporting DLLs in the GTKADA reference manual but I am yet to work out what 
it is trying to say.  Testing is awkward since I need to install the program on 
a computer uncontaminated by development code and libraries.  :o)

>>P.S. You have 64-bit Windows, I don't know if this may play a role. E.g.
>>when GTK, GtkAda, your program are 32 vs 64 bits. I didn't use 64-bit
>>Windows, so I cannot tell.

I think the compiler only compiles 32 bit programs.

Thanks for your help.


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