[gtkada] Problem with File_Chooser in Windows

Paul Cass cassp41 at yahoo.com.au
Fri Nov 26 07:36:26 CET 2010

Further to this I realised that at some point I must have dumped all the 
necessary DLL files in my test bin directory.  So they were being used first.  
After removing them it all worked correctly.

So, in summary, you are correct and all that is needed is to have a complete 
GTK2 installation, such as Gimp, in the Path before the GTKAda version.


From: Paul Cass <cassp41 at yahoo.com.au>
To: gtkada <gtkada at lists.adacore.com>
Sent: Fri, 26 November, 2010 5:24:01 PM
Subject: Re: [gtkada] Problem with File_Chooser in Windows


You said...

>>The GIMP's directory ~/share/themes should contain GTK themes, so does
>>GtkAda and GPS, if you are using the latter. Depending on which binaries
>>are first is the search path, is the GTK (Glib, Pango etc) used by your
>>application. Make GIMP's binaries searched first, and it will be the GIMP's
>>GTK, which more complete than the one coming with GtkAda or GPS.

I'm not entirely sure how Windows uses its environmental variables for DLLs but 
I assume it uses the standard PATH variable. I have altered this 
variable to search the GIMP\bin directory first but it had no effect.  In 
frustration I copied my development program exe into the GIMP\bin directory and 
it worked correctly without any warnings. Some of the icons looked different as 
well.   So, it seems I am on the right track and just need to get the 
environment corrrect.  I did find some information about program distribution 
and supporting DLLs in the GTKADA reference manual but I am yet to work out what 
it is trying to say.  Testing is awkward since I need to install the program on 
a computer uncontaminated by development code and libraries.  :o)

>>P.S. You have 64-bit Windows, I don't know if this may play a role. E.g.
>>when GTK, GtkAda, your program are 32 vs 64 bits. I didn't use 64-bit
>>Windows, so I cannot tell.

I think the compiler only compiles 32 bit programs.

Thanks for your help.


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