[gtkada] Gtkada.Intl on Windows

Michael Bode michael.bode at laserline.de
Mon Aug 21 14:35:00 CEST 2006

Michael Bode schrieb:

> Probably I have to either build my own version of libglade using the
> same libintl-1 that GtkAda uses. Or build GtkAda using the intl.dll
> from Gtk 2.8.9. Otherwise glade's libintl doesn't know about calls to
> Bind_Text_Domain from the Ada side.

Ok, now this also works but I've found another problem. dgettext returns 
strings in what it thinks to be the system's character set. On my Linux 
box this happens to be UTF-8 but not on Windows. I can convert the 
strings to UTF-8 with GtkAda's conversion function, but this doesn't 
help with libglade. And even without libglade it is an unnessesary 
function call, because libintl can do the conversion for you. Therefor I 
suggest to add the following procedure to GtkAda.Intl:

procedure Bind_Text_Domain_Codeset (Domain : String; Codeset : String);
--  Specify the Codeset for the specified Domain message catalog
--  This overrides the default system locale data base.

-- Bind_Text_Domain_Codeset --

procedure Bind_Text_Domain_Codeset (Domain : String; Codeset : String) is
    procedure Internal (Domain, Codeset : String);
    pragma Import (C, Internal, "bind_textdomain_codeset");
    Internal (Domain & ASCII.NUL, Codeset & ASCII.NUL);
end Bind_Text_Domain_Codeset;

Michael Bode
Laserline GmbH
56218 Mülheim-Kärlich
Phone:     +49 2630 964-2200
Fax:       +49 2630 964-2209

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