[gtkada] Gtkada.Intl on Windows

Dmitry A. Kazakov mailbox at dmitry-kazakov.de
Mon Aug 21 15:05:42 CEST 2006

On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 14:35:00 +0200, you wrote:

> Michael Bode schrieb:
>> Probably I have to either build my own version of libglade using the
>> same libintl-1 that GtkAda uses. Or build GtkAda using the intl.dll
>> from Gtk 2.8.9. Otherwise glade's libintl doesn't know about calls to
>> Bind_Text_Domain from the Ada side.
> Ok, now this also works but I've found another problem. dgettext returns 
> strings in what it thinks to be the system's character set. 

A slightly different bend of the story, what about using style properties
(resource files) vs gettext? I mean:


I don't see much difference in functionality of both. At first glance style
descriptions could be structured into language sections.
P.S. It seems that style properties aren't currently supported by the
public version GtkAda, but it is relatively easy to fix:

   procedure Class_Install_Style_Property
             (  Class : GObject_Class;
                Pspec : Param_Spec
   pragma Import
          (  C,
   procedure Style_Get_Property
             (  Widget        : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                Property_Name : String;
                Value         : out GValue
             )  is
      procedure Internal
                (  Widget        : Address;
                   Property_Name : Property;
                   Value         : out GValue
      pragma Import (C, Internal, "gtk_widget_style_get_property");
      Internal (Get_Object (Widget), Build (Property_Name), Value);
   end Style_Get_Property;

Dmitry A. Kazakov

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