[gtkada] Gtkada.Intl on Windows

Michael Bode michael.bode at laserline.de
Fri Aug 18 15:31:31 CEST 2006

Jacob Sparre Andersen schrieb:

> Gtkada.Intl on Linux is supposedly based on GNU Gettext, so my guess is 
> that you should be able to copy the Linux version of the source code 
> over and use that, once you have installed GNU Gettext on your system.

Yes, it worked.

Now I have the problem that there are only a dozen strings that I 
display using GtkAda.Intl.dgettext. Most of the widgets are built from a 
glade file using libglade. And the windows libglade doesn't play nicely 

Microsoft's Dependency Walker shows that glade-2.0.0.dll depends on 
intl.dll which is part of Gtk+ 2.8.9. My program OTOH depends on 
libintl-1.dll which is part of GtkAda 2.4.0. Probably I have to either 
build my own version of libglade using the same libintl-1 that GtkAda 
uses. Or build GtkAda using the intl.dll from Gtk 2.8.9. Otherwise 
glade's libintl doesn't know about calls to Bind_Text_Domain from the 
Ada side.

Michael Bode
Laserline GmbH
56218 Mülheim-Kärlich
Phone:     +49 2630 964-2200
Fax:       +49 2630 964-2209

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