[gtkada] Space around buttons

Emmanuel Briot briot at adacore.com
Wed Jun 1 09:41:22 CEST 2005

> Gtk.Entry is not listed in the GtkAdaRM (someone in a place to fix this PLEASE
> NOTE :)  and there is no Set_Border_Width or Set_Spacing in Gtk.Progress_Bar or
> any of its ancestors.  Seems odd that these things are true, but as far as I can
> see they are.

Let me guess... Is this because there is no such package as Gtk.Entry ? 
Of yes, that's it. Try Gtk.GEntry instead..

Seriously, could you take a little more time to reread before sending 
emails, that would save everyone's time, and help people concentrate on 
the actual questions you are asking. Otherwise, send email to 
report at adacore.com where you have a support contract.


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