[gtkada] Space around buttons
Rick Duley
30294025 at student.murdoch.edu.au
Thu Jun 2 02:46:32 CEST 2005
Hi Emmanuel
You wrote:
> Let me guess... Is this because there is no such package as Gtk.Entry ?
> Of yes, that's it. Try Gtk.GEntry instead..
Well, really, it comes from here. This code generated by Glade_2:
type Analyse60_Preferences_Window_Record is new Gtk_Window_Record
with record
Analyse60_Preferences_Base_Box : Gtk_Vbox;
Analyse60_Preferences_Hbox1 : Gtk_Hbox;
Analyse60_Preferences_Checkbuttons_Frame : Gtk_Frame;
Analyse60_Preferences_Checkbuttons_Vbox1 : Gtk_Vbox;
Analyse60_Preferences_Recursive_Search_Checkbutton : Gtk_Check_Button;
Analyse60_Preferences_Ttr_Data_Checkbutton : Gtk_Check_Button;
Analyse60_Preferences_Language_Use_Checkbutton : Gtk_Check_Button;
Analyse60_Preferences_Lexical_Test_Checkbutton : Gtk_Check_Button;
Analyse60_Preferences_Tutor_Report_Checkbutton : Gtk_Check_Button;
Analyse60_Preferences_Student_Report_Checkbutton : Gtk_Check_Button;
Analyse60_Preferences_Checkbuttons_Frame_Label : Gtk_Label;
Analyse60_Preferences_Vseparator1 : Gtk_Vseparator;
Analyse60_Preferences_Settings_Frame : Gtk_Frame;
Analyse60_Preferences_Settings_Vbox1 : Gtk_Vbox;
Analyse60_Preferences_Curve_Sample_Count_Frame : Gtk_Frame;
Analyse60_Preferences_Curve_Sample_Count_Entry : Gtk_Entry;
Analyse60_Preferences_Curve_Sample_Count_Label : Gtk_Label;
Analyse60_Preferences_Curve_Sample_Increment_Frame : Gtk_Frame;
Analyse60_Preferences_Curve_Sample_Increment_Entry : Gtk_Entry;
Analyse60_Preferences_Curve_Sample_Increment_Label : Gtk_Label;
Analyse60_Preferences_Curve_Maximum_Frame : Gtk_Frame;
Analyse60_Preferences_Curve_Maximum_Entry : Gtk_Entry;
Analyse60_Preferences_Curve_Maximum_Label : Gtk_Label;
Analyse60_Preferences_Alv_Sample_Count_Frame : Gtk_Frame;
Analyse60_Preferences_Alv_Sample_Count_Entry : Gtk_Entry;
Analyse60_Preferences_Alv_Sample_Count_Label : Gtk_Label;
Analyse60_Preferences_Alv_Sample_Size_Frame : Gtk_Frame;
Analyse60_Preferences_Alv_Sample_Size_Entry : Gtk_Entry;
Analyse60_Preferences_Alv_Sample_Size_Label : Gtk_Label;
Analyse60_Preferences_Settings_Frame_Label : Gtk_Label;
Analyse60_Preferences_Hseparator1 : Gtk_Hseparator;
Analyse60_Preferences_Record_Selections_Button : Gtk_Button;
Alignment1 : Gtk_Alignment;
Hbox3 : Gtk_Hbox;
Image1 : Gtk_Image;
Label3 : Gtk_Label;
end record;
-- Definition of an Options window.
Aside from the arrows, that is what I was looking at. Furthermore, on
page 8 of
the GtkAda U/G the widget ierarchy shows a widget called Gtk_Entry. I
looked for the package Gtk.Entry in the GtkAdaRM.
It was only when bells started tinkling that I re-found on page 6 of
the GtkAda
U/G the explanation that the package that conatins Gtk_Entry is called
Gth.GEntry because of the name clash.
You see, I *had* seen it, it is just that I do not have a _photographic
Please remember that I am trying very hard to gain some facility with
which is, to me, new and complex technology. I will, no doubt, continue to
make elementary errors. That is the nature of the process of learning. My
attitude will remain that the only *DUMB* question I will ever have is the one
I *DON'T* ask.
Please be patient and understanding as I continue the struggle.
"Professional qualitative judgement
consists in knowing the rules
for using (or occasionally breaking)
the rules."
D. Royce Sadler
Rick Duley
Murdoch University
School of Engineering Science
Perth, Western Australia
aussie : 040 910 6049 .-_|\
o'seas : + 61 40 910 6049 / \
perth *_.-._/
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