[gtkada] GtkAda-2.4.0

thomas.corme-ext at transport.alstom.com thomas.corme-ext at transport.alstom.com
Thu Jan 6 09:11:33 CET 2005


        I'm new in the gtkada list. I used gtkada 2.1.0 (or 2.2.0) in past 
and I wanted to get back
        in gtkada world ;o).
        I downloaded the windows binary file and I had the same problem 
finded the day
     before christmas:

undefined reverence to 'SetCursorPos at 8'
gnatlink: cannot call C:gnat\bin\gcc.exe
gnatmake: *** link failed

        I try to build the "testgtk" and the same problem appears.

        Thanks in advance


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