[gtkada] GtkAda-2.4.0

Arnaud Charlet charlet at adacore.com
Thu Jan 6 10:32:14 CET 2005

> c:\gtkada-2.4.0\include\gtkada\\libgtkada.a(misc.o.b)(.text+0x327f): 
> undefined reverence to 'SetCursorPos at 8'
> gnatlink: cannot call C:gnat\bin\gcc.exe
> gnatmake: *** link failed

Apparently the version of mingw import libraries that come with GNAT 3.15p
is too old and does not include the definition of SetCursorPos.

I would suggest using either an update import library for the Windows libraries,
or updating to a newer version of GNAT.

We will see if this reference can be removed from GtkAda to avoid this


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