[gtkada] Problem building examples with MSys/MinGW

stephane stephane at rochebrune.org
Thu Apr 7 16:52:52 CEST 2005

Hi All,

Compiling GtkAda under Windows with gcc 3.4.2 (MinGW) with Msys,
I got a small error, at the very end, when building examples :

make[1]: Entering directory `/d/mingw/GtkAda-2.4.0/examples'
mkdir -p /d/mingw/gtk/share/gtkada/examples
for dir in base_widget calendar_combo composite_widget doublebuffer 
documentatio          n dynamic_cast editor gtk_examples tutorial 
handlers powergnu user_data tutorial/gtkdial tutorial/helloworld 
tutorial/helloworld2 tutorial/packbox tutorial/simple tutorial/table 
tutorial/tictactoe; do \
   mkdir -p /d/mingw/gtk/share/gtkada/examples/${dir}; \
   rm -f ${dir}/b~*; \
   cp -p ${dir}/*.ad? /d/mingw/gtk/share/gtkada/examples/${dir} 
2>/dev/null; \
   cp -p ${dir}/Makefile /d/mingw/gtk/share/gtkada/examples/${dir} 
2>/dev/null; \
   cp -p ${dir}/README /d/mingw/gtk/share/gtkada/examples/${dir} 
2>/dev/null; \
make[1]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
make[1]: Leaving directory `/d/mingw/GtkAda-2.4.0/examples'

The makefile in the examples directory use cp in a loop, and some readme 
files are missing in the tree. So cp complains and the build fail.

I "solve" the problem creating some dummies readme files in each 
tutorials subdirectories and a dummy.adx file at the tutorial root.

This is a workaround. Maybe the errorlevel returned by cp is different 
in MSys... Definitly don't know...

For some obscures reasons (for me), I had to duplicate the make block 
inside "all:"

	@for file in ${DIRECTORIES}; do \
	  make -C $${file} all; \

and also

         cp -p $${dir}/*.exe $(examples)/$${dir} ; \

into the block inside "install:"

It's ugly, but it's work now...Don't have time to investigate more.

Don't see any refs in the mailing list, so I suspect a problem here 

Any advices welcome,

Regards from France !

Stephane Riviere
Oleron Island - France
OpenPgp Key <5fd6a1e6> available on the web site above

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