[gtkada] Retrieving text from a text_view.

Stanislas Dalençon stanislas_dalencon at hotmail.fr
Mon Apr 4 17:36:50 CEST 2005

Hello everybody,
As mentionned in the subject, i'm trying to retrieve the text that user put 
in a text_view, but I didn't find how I can do that.

I think i've to use this (from gtk.text_view)

-- function Get_Buffer
--   (Text_View          : access Gtk_Text_View_Record)
--    return Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer;

and this (form gtk.text_buffer)

-- function Get_Text
--   (Buffer             : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
--    Start               :        Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
--    The_End         :        Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
--    Include_Hidden_Chars  :        Boolean := False)
--    return UTF8_String;

but I don't understand how to get the two "gtk_text_iter" I need.
Is there a way to put those Iter to first and last character of the 
text_view ? or something else ?

I'm really lost.

If someone could help me...
Thanks a lot.

Stanislas Dalençon
PS : sorry for my english, I'm just a french student... :)

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