[gtkada] TR: gate for GtkAda 2.0.0

Emmanuel Briot briot at ACT-Europe.FR
Wed Apr 9 12:19:42 CEST 2003

On Wed, 2003-04-09 at 12:08, Preben Randhol wrote:
> Does Glib.xml support enough of XML to parse a glade2 XML file or does
> it need to be improved first. I'm wondering as I would like to try to
> port gate to the glade2 format, but if glib.xml needs to be improved
> first I'll wait.

I believe it does. There is a subprogram Get_Attribute which should
accomplish this.
It doesn't provide automatic support for "id" attributes (ie unique in
the file), but this can easily be done in the Glade2 support part
through a hash-table.

Looking at the example you sent (with the <property> tags), there are
several ways to do it in GtkAda:
  - either use Set_Property interface, which gives a straightforward
    translation from XML to Ada, with a small cost when executing the

  - or generate a code similar to the one we currently have, with
    explicit calls to subprograms whenever possible.

The changes are probably not major, in fact, but it still requires a few
days worth of work probably. Initial contributions are certainly
welcome, since the GtkAda team is pretty busy these days on GPS, the new
IDE for GNAT. This is by the way what has been driving most of the port
to gtk+2.0, and since we do not use the GUI builder we haven't had a
need for it yet.


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