[gtkada] Translucency and GTKAda.

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Mon Sep 16 17:49:47 CEST 2002

"Mr. Caffiene" <chainsaw2000 at attbi.com> wrote on 15/09/2002 (18:21) :
> I'm working on an App that can stand alone or work in conjunction with
> a text editor.
> Without revealing too many of the details, sufficient to say that it
> makes heavy use of the Translucency capability of the XRender
> extensions in XFree86.
> I was wondering if Glib/GTK/GTKAda had support for the XRender
> extension built in, or if I would have to code up my own bindings to
> these routines via the XRender routines in Xlib.
> I've been using C to prototype the application thus far, and XRender
> is turning out to be quite simple to use. However I would much rather
> code the entire thing in Ada95 rather than have to futz around with
> constantly importing and exporting things.
> Any pointers(no pun intended) would be helpful.

I don't know. Is the Xrender used for Truetype font support?

When searching for Xrender GTK and Translucency I found this:


So it doesn't look like Gtk+ 2.0 supports Translucency, but you should
check the GtkAda 2.0 source to see.

Hope it helps.

Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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