[gtkada] Pixbuf for Windows?

Dominique Canazzi dominique.canazzi at wanadoo.fr
Tue Feb 5 21:23:30 CET 2002

Hi folks,

I got and installed successfully GtkAda-1.3.12 for W2000, and I could
not figure out how to get pixbuf stuff without getting the Cygwin suite.
So, my questions:

- Has anyone a prebuilt pixbuf DLL (preferably cygwin-independent)?
- Is it sufficient? (probably no, what must I do to rebuild?)
- Do ACT customers with GtkAda support get the fully featured package,
  including pixbuf support? (this one is for ACT only :-)

Thanks in advance.

-- dominique canazzi
My thoughts are free.
Mes pensées sont libres.

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