[gtkada] Threading and GtkAda

Rob Veenker veenker at xs4all.nl
Tue Feb 5 21:19:22 CET 2002

I am using GtkAda 1.3.12 under Windows NT  together with the supportted
version of GNAT 3.14a1 and want to create a program that uses a COM object
(using GNATCOM-1.4) in a separate Ada task.

Since both the 'COM task' and the callback routines use Gtk calls, I
included the Gdk.Threads calls as described in the GtkAda Users Guide.
The callback routines do not call the Enter/Release functions. These are
only used by the task.

The problem is that in some cases the application window completely freezes.
Specially when using Gtk.Clist and Gtk.Text widgets.
I have had some good results by setting 'sensitive' to false or using
'Freeze' and 'Thaw' but it still doesn't completely solve the problem.
BTW, using Gtk.Threads.Enter before the 'Gtk.Clist.Freeze' locks up the
application right away !

Can you give me a hint how to address this problem ?

Thanks in advance,

Rob Veenker

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