[gtkada] Building from CVS Sources on Win32

Arnaud Charlet charlet at ACT-Europe.FR
Fri Jul 20 14:07:29 CEST 2001

> Windows Gtk uses a flag -fnative-structs (I think) which
> potentially changes the layout of the structs
> that gcc would use without that flag.. I wonder if there is a disconnect
> here or if we have gotten lucky on the few uses of this pragma.

This option only afects bitfield structures. None of the few structures that are
mapped directly within GtkAda are concerned.

Note that this is an interesting area where the design decision made to
avoid mapping the underlying C structure (and use pointers instead) has
proven very useul: it provides a much better compatbility among versions and
avoid problems such as this one.

> In any case I do still have my more basic original question of are you using
> the ./configure approach for the current win32 GtkAda part of the port and
> if so are  you using cygwin or something else?

We do not use configure. The C files (e.g misc.c) are built manually and put
in a DLL (gtkada-xxx.dll). The GtkAda files are built using gnatmake make


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