[gtkada] gtk.text to string

luix luix at tropicalstorm.com
Thu Aug 16 12:37:27 CEST 2001

I'm trying to pass gtk.text to a text file, the only way I've founded is
passing it to string before putting in the text file, so I tried to use the
get_text function (in gtk-text) and it compiles but I get a constraint
error when running, this is my procedure:

procedure convertir (b: access gtk.button.gtk_button_record'class) is
     text: string:="";
         put(text); --I did this only to know if it runs
end convertir;

I don't know what am I doing wrong, as the delcaration of the function is:
      function Get_Text (Text : access Gtk_Text_Record) return String  is

and I can't find any info about this in the gtkada_rm.
please help!


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