[gtkada] gtk.text to string

Pedro Díaz Jiménez pdiaz88 at terra.es
Thu Aug 16 15:23:42 CEST 2001

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 16 August 2001 10:37, you wrote:
> I'm trying to pass gtk.text to a text file, the only way I've founded is
> passing it to string before putting in the text file, so I tried to use the
> get_text function (in gtk-text) and it compiles but I get a constraint
> error when running, this is my procedure:
> procedure convertir (b: access gtk.button.gtk_button_record'class) is
>      text: string:="";
>       begin
>          cadena:=gtk.text.get_text(texto);
>          put(text); --I did this only to know if it runs
> end convertir;

Thats wrong because the string 'text' doesn't have allocated enough space to 
hold the text from the widget, hence de constraint error. Solucion: Use 

Quick and dirt code snippet:
- ---
with Gtk.Window;
with Gtk.GEntry;
with Gtk.Main;
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Get_Text is
    Type Str_Pointer is Access String;
    Window : Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window;
    Text   : Gtk.GEntry.Gtk_Entry;
    strp   : Str_Pointer;
        Gtk.Window.Gtk_New( Window );
        Gtk.Gentry.Gtk_New( Text );
        Gtk.Window.Add( Window, Text);
        Gtk.GEntry.Set_Text( Text, "Foo! Bar?" );
        strp := new String( 1..Gtk.GEntry.Get_Text(Text)'Length );
        strp.all := Gtk.GEntry.Get_Text(Text);
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line( strp.all );
        Gtk.Window.Show_All( Window );
end Get_Text;
- ---

Above you can see I declared a String pointer, guessed the size of the text 
in the widget (in a pretty unelegant way, but I'm sure there's somewhere a 
function to do it more cleanly), allocated memory and copied the text itself

Hope that helps


> I don't know what am I doing wrong, as the delcaration of the function is:
>       function Get_Text (Text : access Gtk_Text_Record) return String  is
> and I can't find any info about this in the gtkada_rm.
> please help!
> thanks
> Luis.
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 * Pedro Diaz Jimenez: pdiaz88 at terra.es, pdiaz at acm.asoc.fi.upm.es 
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