[gtkada] some questions...

Jeff Creem jeff at thecreems.com
Wed Aug 1 12:46:55 CEST 2001

> 2.-Trying to do a program that gets the text from a box (the text is
> gtk.text.gtl_text type) and puts it in a binary file.I've defined the file
> structure like this:
>         type t_binary_file is record
>                   text: gtk.text.gtk_text;
>         end record;
> and the package this way:
>        package t_binary_file is new ada.sequential_io(t_binary_file);
> and it doesn't work, why??

I'll take this one quickly. The problem here is probably that you end up
writing a pointer
to some structure to the disk rather than the actual data you want. I think
you really need to
use the various assessor functions to get the data and write it out that

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