[gtkada] some questions...

luix luix at tropicalstorm.com
Wed Aug 1 11:41:15 CEST 2001

Hi, I've some questions here:
1.-What kind of data is enums.gtk_justification ?? i'm trying to use the
gtk.label.set_justify function, and don't know how
2.-Trying to do a program that gets the text from a box (the text is
gtk.text.gtl_text type) and puts it in a binary file.I've defined the file
structure like this:
        type t_binary_file is record
                  text: gtk.text.gtk_text;
        end record;
and the package this way:
       package t_binary_file is new ada.sequential_io(t_binary_file);
and it doesn't work, why??

3.-My last question (trying not to bore ;)) how can I call a procedure with
more elements, ie:
         procedure A (v: access gtk.button.gtk_button_record; m:integer) is
from a button?? I use:
         gtk.handlers,connect(buttonA, "clicked",
but don't know how to pass the procedure the variable for m....

anyone can help?


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