[gps-users] (no subject)

Smith, Herb herb.smith2@boeing.com
Thu, 18 Sep 2003 09:15:30 -0500


Thanks for the reply. =20

1) I'm not sure exactly what you are referring to, however, yes, the
project prefs are set to ClearCase.  I have a VCS item on the main menu
bar, and if I right click on a file in the "Project View" there is a
version control item on that list.  When I go down that menu and do a
"Start Editing" on a file that has not been checked out, GPS does not
let me edit it.  It is possible that I don't know the correct sequence
of commands that I need to do.  The wording of the commands is a bit
different than those in ClearCase.  Specifically, I didn't see a "check
out" command, so I assumed that "start editing" was the thing to do.

2) Ok, I'll try that out. I'm using the 1.2.2 version of GPS.

3) Yes, I am using GNAT 3.15p....or at least I THINK I am.  I have it on
my machine, but I also have an older version of GNATPRO ver 3.14a1.  It
might be that GPS is picking up on that rather than GNAT 3.15p.  How
does GPS find gnat?  Is that done through an environment variable, or is
it in the registry somewhere? =20

Thanks for your help...its a great product, I just need to learn some of
its subtleties.


-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Briot [mailto:briot@act-europe.fr]=20
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 8:15 AM
To: Smith, Herb
Cc: gps-users@ACT-Europe.FR
Subject: Re: [gps-users] (no subject)

> 1) I cannot seem to get GPS to work with ClearCase.  I have to check=20
> out files using CC first, then everything is fine.  How do I get GPS=20
> to check in and check out files directly?

Have you set up your project to indicate that it uses ClearCase ? Do you
have a "Version Control" menu in the contextual menus in editors ?

> 2) In the preferences menu there is a "helpers" panel.  I wanted to=20
> set up a connection to the PrintFile utility to print my listings. =20
> Are these helpers just commands that are executed in a command window?

> It does not fire off the printfile utility, so I wondered if there was

> something I was missing about how these helpers worked.

You might have to prepend the command with "cmd /c". We have fixed that
in the development version of GPS, but GPS 1.3.0 doesn't know how to run
a graphical windows application.

> 3) I get this "Pretty Printer" section in my xxx.gpr file that the=20
> build process hangs up on.  I always have to remove it before I can=20
> get GPS to compile and build my project.  Is the Pretty Printer thing=20
> some sort of add-on that I need to obtain separately?  If not, how=20
> does this work?

The pretty_printer section was added in one of the versions of GNAT. GPS
should be testing, I believe, that version to check whether it should
generate the package or not, but apparently it doesn't. Which version of
GNAT are you using ? We recommend GNAT 3.15p.

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