[gps-users] (no subject)
Emmanuel Briot
18 Sep 2003 15:15:27 +0200
> 1) I cannot seem to get GPS to work with ClearCase. I have to check out
> files using CC first, then everything is fine. How do I get GPS to
> check in and check out files directly?
Have you set up your project to indicate that it uses ClearCase ? Do you
have a "Version Control" menu in the contextual menus in editors ?
> 2) In the preferences menu there is a "helpers" panel. I wanted to set
> up a connection to the PrintFile utility to print my listings. Are
> these helpers just commands that are executed in a command window? It
> does not fire off the printfile utility, so I wondered if there was
> something I was missing about how these helpers worked.
You might have to prepend the command with "cmd /c". We have fixed that
in the development version of GPS, but GPS 1.3.0 doesn't know how to run
a graphical windows application.
> 3) I get this "Pretty Printer" section in my xxx.gpr file that the build
> process hangs up on. I always have to remove it before I can get GPS to
> compile and build my project. Is the Pretty Printer thing some sort of
> add-on that I need to obtain separately? If not, how does this work?
The pretty_printer section was added in one of the versions of GNAT. GPS
should be testing, I believe, that version to check whether it should
generate the package or not, but apparently it doesn't. Which version of
GNAT are you using ? We recommend GNAT 3.15p.