[gps-users] finding gnat

Francisco Ortiz francisco.ortiz@upct.es
Fri, 19 Sep 2003 09:29:16 +0200

Following the question of Herb Smith, I have the same problem finding GNAT.
I've got Windows XP and everything seems ok with GPS( by the way, I've
installed GPS in Windows98, but it doesn't work, the presentation screen is
showed, but then exits...), but when I try to build my application (or the
tutorial scd example ) GPS promts the message:

gnatmake -d -Pc:\gps\doc\gps\examples\tutorial\sdc.gpr sdc.adb -XBuild=DEBUG
 Invalid command

I've got in the PATH /gnat/bin, so I can "gnatmake" everywhere, but GPS

Perhaps it is a nonsense, but: How can I solve this problem??
Thanks in advance...

Francisco J. Ortiz
Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Smith, Herb" <herb.smith2@boeing.com>

3) Yes, I am using GNAT 3.15p....or at least I THINK I am.  I have it on
my machine, but I also have an older version of GNATPRO ver 3.14a1.  It
might be that GPS is picking up on that rather than GNAT 3.15p.  How
does GPS find gnat?  Is that done through an environment variable, or is
it in the registry somewhere?