[gps-users] -o and -c with multiple compilations?
Marc A. Criley
20 Jul 2003 08:46:27 -0400
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I've set up my project file (attached below), with nothing really arcane
as far as I know, I even used the Project Wizard to help build it. But
whenever I try to build the project I get the following error:
gnatmake -d -P/home/g315p/dsx/src/gtkgui/gtkgui.gpr dv.adb
gcc -c -g -gnatQ -o
/home/g315p/dsx/src/gtkgui/./dtraq-client_data_viewer.o -gnato
-fstack-check -g `gtkada-config --cflags` -gnatA
gcc: cannot specify -o with -c and multiple compilations
gnatmake: "dtraq-client_data_viewer.adb" compilation error
process exited with status 4
I think it's got something to do with having the `gtkada-config
--cflags` in the switches configuration, because when I don't, I just
get ordinary compilation errors ("Can't find gtkada.ads").
Marc A. Criley
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=gtkgui.gpr
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project Gtkgui is
for Languages use ("Ada");
for Source_Dirs use (".", "../mckae/", "../formatted_output/", "../dtqbase/", "../../contrib/");
for Object_Dir use ".";
for Main use ("dv.adb");
package Compiler is
for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-gnato", "-fstack-check", "-g", "`gtkada-config", "--cflags`");
for Default_Switches ("c") use ("-g");
for Default_Switches ("c++") use ("-g");
end Compiler;
package Linker is
for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-g", "`gtkada-config", "--static`");
end Linker;
package Binder is
for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-E", "-static");
end Binder;
package Builder is
for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-g", "-gnatQ");
end Builder;
end Gtkgui;