[GAP] NXT segway info

Juan Zamorano jzamora at datsi.fi.upm.es
Mon May 28 21:05:11 CEST 2012

     Hello Jose,

     That is very interesting we use the Simulink Embedded Coder Toolkit to 
generate the C functional code for our NXT. I have took a look and it is 
said that Ada code will be available "in close future" and the user's 
manual is silent about Ada.

     Is there any version that produces Ada code? Has you tested geneauto 
on LinuX?



On Mon, 28 May 2012, Jose F. Ruiz wrote:

> Segway-like robot, where the controller is designed with Simulink and
> Ada code is automatically generated using GeneAuto
> <http://www.geneauto.org>.i

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