[GAP] NXT segway info

Jose F. Ruiz ruiz at adacore.com
Mon May 28 18:06:50 CEST 2012

Hello Alejandro,

On 27/05/2012 17:09, Alejandro R. Mosteo wrote:
> Hello people,
> I just saw the neat video showing the NXT Segway on the GNAT for Lego
> page. I might be interested on replicating this work for a basic class
> on automatic control. By chance any of the authors is subscribed to this
> list, or does someone know how to get in touch with them?

I'm glad you liked the robot. The one you saw was built by Telecom 
Paris, and I don't know whether the sources are available.

We at AdaCore started an internal project to experiment with modeling 
technologies and automatic code generation. We built a similar 
Segway-like robot, where the controller is designed with Simulink and 
Ada code is automatically generated using GeneAuto 
<http://www.geneauto.org>. We'd like to make it more widely available as 
an example. We showed it at last FOSDEM (Ada Developer Room) 
<https://archive.fosdem.org/2012/schedule/track/ada_devroom.html> and 
people liked it. We are going to show it at the forthcoming Ada Europe 
(there will be an Ada in Motion session).

Best regards,

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