[GAP] Use of Ada 2005

Tullio Vardanega tullio.vardanega at math.unipd.it
Fri Mar 24 23:09:01 CET 2006

Hello Jamie and GAP members,

I do use Ada 2005 for master-level projects. In fact at present I have two
such projects running and plan to have more soon.
In those projects we use GNAT with the -2005 option, with that (limited) 
of support. We hit problems and limitations with it and would like to 
see more soon.
In particular we make extensive use of interfaces and we have plans for 
use of the new real-time features as well.

Up to this academic year, in regular master classes I use Ada 95 
(including OOP,
Real-Time and Distributed Systems annexes).
By the way, I will soon donate to the GAP community the results of a 
project (a distributed simulation of a complex railway system) that I 
found extremely

-- Tullio
> Hi All,
> I had a discussion with an AdaCore partner recently who asked if there 
> had been a big take-up of Ada 2005 in the academic community.
> I would be very interested to learn if you have already introduced Ada 
> 2005 into your curricula and if you have, in what context? If not, do 
> you intend to?
> Thanks for any info you can supply.
> Regards,
> Jamie
> --Jamie Ayre
> Marketing Manager
> AdaCore
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