[SPAM] - Re: [GAP] RE: JEWL - Email found in subject

Ted Baker baker at cs.fsu.edu
Fri Apr 29 15:25:14 CEST 2005

Sorry.  My reason for not commenting was total simple agreement,
i.e., nothing to add.
Fun is good.  That is what motivates students.


On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 09:17:20AM +0200, Michael Gonzalez wrote:
> Richard,
> Riehle, Richard USA wrote:
> >In an earlier message, as part of a discussion regarding
> >approaches to teaching Ada, I mentioned that I find that
> >my students enjoy writing Windows programs using JEWL.
> >
> >Was that comment so outrageous that no one felt it was 
> >worth comment?   Does no one else consider the concept
> >of "fun" important when teaching and learning a programming
> >language?
> I also consider this very important. I mentioned in a previous message 
> that we use Win_IO. It has the same goals as JEWL, but is portable 
> between Linux and Windows because it is based on Gtkada. For us this is 
> important, because in our labs we have Linux machines, but students 
> usually have Windows at home.
> Best regards,
> Michael Gonzalez.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Michael Gonzalez Harbour                  E-mail: mgh at unican.es
> Dpto. de Electronica y Computadores       URL: http://www.ctr.unican.es
> Universidad de Cantabria                  Phone : +34-942-201483
> Avda. de los Castros s/n                  Fax   : +34-942-201402
> E-39005 Santander
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