[AWS] fatal error, run-time library not installed correctly cannot locate file system.ads

Babak babak.mn at gmail.com
Sat Oct 11 18:36:57 CEST 2014

Thanks to everyone who helped. I finally found what the problem was and
thought I'd let everyone know.

tl;dr: VirtualBox file sharing + symlinks inside the tarball = bad

I was doing the installation in a VirtualBox instance (with Vagrant).

My directory (on Windows host) was set to be shared on the virtual guest
linux box.

I SSHd into the guest machine and attempted to extract the downloaded
package (from adacore.com) next to where the file was sitting.

The package includes some symlinks which since the folder is being shared
will not be created properly.

It will say something like "could not create symlink - protocol error". But
that quickly gets lost in the output as other files are extracted.

If you extract the file on Windows a similar problem will happen as
symlinks are not created properly and not accessible from the guest machine.

On Windows you will not even get any indication of anything going wrong.

This will later lead to many many confusing errors during
build/installation as libraries and files will not be found by various

Solution: make sure the file is extracted properly with the symlinks. In my
case I SSHed into the virtual machine and extracted the files in "/tmp"
which is not being affected by the VirtualBox file sharing.

I was then able to successfully build and install Ada, AWS and GNATcoll
(GNAT GPL 2014) on Ubuntu 14.04 32bit without doing any tricks.

I have a follow-up question which I will send separately.

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