[AWS] ada2wsdl and wsdl2aws

Tony Gair tony.gair at bmshome.co.uk
Wed Feb 26 15:07:33 CET 2014

Well good job there Pascal, you succeeded.

I am hoping to connect a webservice to the a polyorb passive partition 
(using DSA). I am assuming I can build it using gnatdist substituting 
gnatmake with the necessary amendments to make a DSA partition. Great to 
hear you have already done this and someone else has travelled this 
route before.

I am very interested to know what datatypes I can send across a 
webservice. I want to send an array of records (with a record made up of 
integers, bound strings) and possibly floats. Have you done this or do 
you send one record at a time?

Tony Gair
Technical Director
Phone : 0191 556 1024
Mobile : 07804 596 997
Reply : tony.gair at bmshome.co.uk
Address : St Peters Gate, Charles Street, Sunderland, SR6 0AN
Website : www.thermionix.com
Bmshome Limited trade as Thermionix Energy

Proud Winners 2013 Seeing the capability, not the disability award by Action for Blind.

On 26/02/14 09:13, Pascal Obry wrote:
> Hi Tony,
>> Just used these tools to create a webservice. I did not expect it to be
>> nearly so trivial. Very very impressive.
> Thanks! The goal was really to make it simple.
>>   I'm now wondering if anyone
>> knows of a reason or difficulties into making my webservice a active
>> partition using polyorb (an active not a passive, I want to connect it
>> to a passive partition) .
> I don't see any difficulty. Have you tried? I have already activated a
> Web Server in a PolyORB partition without trouble.

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