[AWS] Preferred method for pre-compressing static content

Jacob Sparre Andersen sparre at nbi.dk
Sun Jan 9 17:37:39 CET 2011

Thomas Løcke wrote:

> I've got a bunch of static content (CSS, JS, XML and 
> similar) that I'd like to pre-compress, but I can't quite 
> decide on how to best go about this.
> My current solution make use of Ada.Streams.Stream_IO and 
> ZLib. I simply create a .gz version of the original static 
> content, if the size of the original file is bigger than 
> 400 bytes and its content is text, but I'm not sure if 
> this is the best way to go about it.

If you want to lower the load on your server or your 
bandwidth usage, then you should (pre-)compress _all_ files 
which are smaller that way.

Do you remember to check if the clients actually accept gzip 
as a transfer encoding?


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