[AWS] Praise - and a very simple (and early) benchmark.

Thomas Løcke thomas.granvej6 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 16:24:34 CET 2011

I've setup an AWS powered server that is hosting a ~4KB fully
templated page that does a few pointless things, such as composing an
email (not sending it), hash'ing a few strings, generate a few random
numbers and searching for a pattern in a string.

The server is running with acces and error logs ON, and I've bolted on
a rotating log system for application messages using the
GNATcoll.Traces system. Two messages are written to this log system on
each hit:

    [ERROR] Testing the ERROR track
    [INFO] Testing the INFO track

Of course with a timestamp added at the beginning.

The whole thing is smoking fast, as can be seen from this ab test:


This is with Max_Connections set at 5.

500_000 hits are completed in 29 seconds, with 8 CPU cores running at ~70%.

This is very impressive. It seems that AWS is going to be rocking my
world for the foreseeable future.

Thomas Løcke

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