[AWS] (solved) AWS.Server.Push : CONSTRAINT_ERROR, Too big message

David SAUVAGE - AdaLabs Ltd david.sauvage at adalabs.com
Mon Dec 12 12:58:03 CET 2011

On 12/12/2011 15:00, aws-request at lists.adacore.com wrote:
> Sure, but that does not explain the issue and what IS a good buffer size
> to use? If we do not understand this how can we document the GOOD value
> to use?
Dimitri may have the appropriate explanation.
 From what I read, the server tries to send the data on the network, and 
In the case the underlying OS has not succeeded in sending all the data, 
the remaining data are stored in the chunk storage to be sent again.

So the worst case would be that the underlying OS does not send 
anything, and all the data would be stored in the chunk storage. The 
secure constant value would then be the maximum length of the data you 
want to send.




Software Agile Architect, Director
AdaLabs Ltd - Mauritius
+230 428 18 32
skype sauvaged
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