[AWS] (solved) AWS.Server.Push : CONSTRAINT_ERROR, Too big message

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Tue Dec 13 06:26:49 CET 2011

On 12/12/2011 06:58 PM, David SAUVAGE - AdaLabs Ltd wrote:
> On 12/12/2011 15:00, aws-request at lists.adacore.com wrote:
>> Sure, but that does not explain the issue and what IS a good buffer size
>> to use? If we do not understand this how can we document the GOOD value
>> to use?
> Dimitri may have the appropriate explanation.
I'll take a look at it soon.
>    From what I read, the server tries to send the data on the network, and
> In the case the underlying OS has not succeeded in sending all the data,
> the remaining data are stored in the chunk storage to be sent again.
> So the worst case would be that the underlying OS does not send
> anything, and all the data would be stored in the chunk storage. The
> secure constant value would then be the maximum length of the data you
> want to send.
> Cheers,

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