[AWS] Writing a wiki software with aws

Pascal Obry pascal.obry at gmail.com
Wed May 19 09:16:57 CEST 2010


> I would need the following features:
> * some type of flex/yacc - tools to write the parser to transform the 
> wikimarkup into html. This is now done with a executable written in C which is 
> called seperately as a process

As Thomas said, OpenToken is a good candidate.

> * support for xslt, which is now done with xsltproc and I think would be 
> better to be integrated

What's the goal? xslt is slow and not integrated. Did you looked at the
templates engine which comes with AWS?

> * a print or pdf library to render the pages as pdf. at the moment i use 
> PDF::API2, the code could be converted to ada, but I need some backend to draw 
> the characters and images on the pages. Some cairo wrapper could be sufficient 
> if it is available.

AFAIK, there is no binding to cairo for the moment.

> * SSL support (I think, that is available)

AWS supports this.

> * picture conversion/resize/mangling libraries for at least png,jpg and svg. 
> The more the better. This is now done with imagemagick.

g2f a solution. In v2p we have a simple magicwand binding that we have
done only for our needs. Easy to extend.

> * some type of safe server side scripting. I use at the moment JE for that 
> purpose, but that is really, really slow. This is needed to give the writer of 
> the texts in the wiki the possibility to do some automation or form-handling. 
> The best would be to have some type of javascript engine since all is written 
> in javascript. If only other languages are available like lua, this would be 
> also ok.

Not sure about this.

> Is this possible?

All is always possible :) Today Ada as many bindings and great modules
are available so the initial work to interface to other technologies are
usually not a big deal.



--| Pascal Obry                           Team-Ada Member
--| 45, rue Gabriel Peri - 78114 Magny Les Hameaux FRANCE
--|    http://www.obry.net  -  http://v2p.fr.eu.org
--| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"
--| gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key F949BD3B

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