[AWS] Writing a wiki software with aws

Christian Forster boronk at boronk.de
Wed May 19 18:02:16 CEST 2010

Pascal Obry wrote:


>> I would need the following features:
>> * some type of flex/yacc - tools to write the parser to transform the
>> wikimarkup into html. This is now done with a executable written in C
>> which is called seperately as a process
>As Thomas said, OpenToken is a good candidate.
Well, then I will have a look.

>> * support for xslt, which is now done with xsltproc and I think would be
>> better to be integrated
>What's the goal? xslt is slow and not integrated. Did you looked at the
>templates engine which comes with AWS?

At first, I personally dislike template engines.
Then, the architecture of the existing wiki looks this way:

wikimarkup -> database with versioning -> conversion to wikixml (cached)

From this wikixml, I can extract quite easyly (with xslt templates)
-> crosslinks
-> headings with complete order for indexing and table of content
-> text references
-> image references

In addition to that, this structered xml cleans up a lot of mess which can be 
edited with wikimarkup and it reduces the possible combinations of tags (text  
display, fonts etc..)

With a quite simple transformation it is then possible to produce

-> OpenOffice documents (which is atm not implemented but once was)
-> html for display in the browser
-> html for static download
-> if necessary latex or xmltex (with restrictions)
-> and if one day apache fop is usable xsl-fo and a pdf

And this xml is input for a wiki2pdf conversion script which renders the pdf

Due to a quite open wikimarkup2xml conversion, new tags can be added and so it 
is possible to change and add tags without changing any code only by changing 
the xslt..

I think this flexibility would not be possible with some template engine. 
>> * picture conversion/resize/mangling libraries for at least png,jpg and
>> svg. The more the better. This is now done with imagemagick.
>g2f a solution. In v2p we have a simple magicwand binding that we have
>done only for our needs. Easy to extend.
>> * some type of safe server side scripting. I use at the moment JE for that
>> purpose, but that is really, really slow. This is needed to give the
>> writer of the texts in the wiki the possibility to do some automation or
>> form-handling. The best would be to have some type of javascript engine
>> since all is written in javascript. If only other languages are available
>> like lua, this would be also ok.
>Not sure about this.
>> Is this possible?
>All is always possible :) Today Ada as many bindings and great modules
>are available so the initial work to interface to other technologies are
>usually not a big deal.

Well, I think I will try it in simple steps...


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