[AWS] html : <img ...> doesn't find the image

Jeremy Piffret j.piffret at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 23:18:22 CET 2009

sry, I send the response only to Pascal Obry ...
(first time I use a mailing list, I need some time to adapt)

Thanks for your answer

Pascal Obry a écrit :
> Hi Jeremy,
>> with Ada.Text_IO;
>> with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
>> with AWS.Response;
>> with AWS.Server;
>> with AWS.Status;
>> procedure Test is
>>   WS : AWS.Server.HTTP;
>>   function Main_CB (Request : in AWS.Status.Data)
>>                  return AWS.Response.Data
>>   is
>>      URI : constant String := AWS.Status.URI (Request);
>>   begin
>>      return AWS.Response.Build ("text/html", "<img src=aws.png>");
> First you need quote here:
>        return AWS.Response.Build ("text/html", "<img src=""aws.png"">");

Quote didn't change anything, but thanks : I didn't remind how to put a
quote in a string :)

>>   end Main_CB;                               -- or src=/aws.png
> Then the question is who's going to serve your aws.png? The callback
> procedure you have here respond only "<img ...>".
> What happens is:
>    - you connect to your server
>    - whatever the URL passed you always get "<img src...>"
>    - the Web browser sees a reference to an image
>    - It sends back another request to the server to get the
>      image content
>    - the server send back "<img src=...>" for the image content
> This is not what you meant to do :) No magic !

It's so clear when it's said like this :)

> You need to either test for URI = "aws.png" and respond using
> AWS.Response.File constructor.

I tried something like this once, but it didn't work. I think I made an

> Another solution (which scale better) is to place all images inside a
> directory say img and create a dispatcher that will get called for each
> URI whose prefix is "/img". Then you main page should look like this:
>    return AWS.Response.Build
>      ("text/html", "<img src=""/img/aws.png"">");
> All this is described into the AWS User's Guide.

Yup, I read it several times.

> Another comment - I understand that this is probably a test - you should
> consider using the template engine and never embed any HTML into your code.

Indeed, it was just an example to reproduce the same error.

> Pascal.
Thanks, it's working now.

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