[AWS] html : <img ...> doesn't find the image

Pascal Obry pascal at obry.net
Mon Mar 9 21:57:15 CET 2009

Hi Jeremy,

> with Ada.Text_IO;
> with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
> with AWS.Response;
> with AWS.Server;
> with AWS.Status;
> procedure Test is
>   WS : AWS.Server.HTTP;
>   function Main_CB (Request : in AWS.Status.Data)
>                  return AWS.Response.Data
>   is
>      URI : constant String := AWS.Status.URI (Request);
>   begin
>      return AWS.Response.Build ("text/html", "<img src=aws.png>");

First you need quote here:

       return AWS.Response.Build ("text/html", "<img src=""aws.png"">");
>   end Main_CB;                               -- or src=/aws.png

Then the question is who's going to serve your aws.png? The callback
procedure you have here respond only "<img ...>".

What happens is:

   - you connect to your server
   - whatever the URL passed you always get "<img src...>"
   - the Web browser sees a reference to an image
   - It sends back another request to the server to get the
     image content
   - the server send back "<img src=...>" for the image content

This is not what you meant to do :) No magic !

You need to either test for URI = "aws.png" and respond using
AWS.Response.File constructor.

Another solution (which scale better) is to place all images inside a
directory say img and create a dispatcher that will get called for each
URI whose prefix is "/img". Then you main page should look like this:

   return AWS.Response.Build
     ("text/html", "<img src=""/img/aws.png"">");

All this is described into the AWS User's Guide.

Another comment - I understand that this is probably a test - you should
consider using the template engine and never embed any HTML into your code.



--| Pascal Obry                           Team-Ada Member
--| 45, rue Gabriel Peri - 78114 Magny Les Hameaux FRANCE
--|    http://www.obry.net  -  http://v2p.fr.eu.org
--| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"
--| gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key F949BD3B

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