[AWS] AWS.client.get and https

Tesson julien tesson.julien at free.fr
Tue Jan 15 02:04:58 CET 2008

Pascal Obry a écrit :
> Tesson julien a écrit :
>> I use the Ubuntu(gusty) AWS package libaws2.2, and the default 
>> project file of this package :
> Default from Ubuntu?
>> project AWS is
>>   for Source_Dirs use ("/usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws");
>>   for Object_Dir use "/usr/lib/ada/adalib/aws";
>>   package Naming is
>>      --  Configuration for GNU/Linux using GNU TLS for strong crypto
> That's not a comment I put there. Sorry this has been hacked by 
> somebody problem is that GNU/TLS is experimental and not fully 
> functional (as you found out). This package is probably the same as 
> the Debian one, but just in case can you tell me the maintainer of 
> this package?
yes, it is. The maintainer is Ludovic Brenta.

I have tried to change the project file aws.gpr that come with the 
debian package to use openssl instead of gnutls but I get the same error
> You probably want to build AWS yourself using the *real* default :)
unfortunately the 'make build' from AWS causes gnat  to crash (Gnat 4.1 
under ubuntu gusty and debian lenny) :s

> Pascal.

Am I the only one who use AWS.client under debian ? O_o
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