[AWS] AWS as a service on a Win2000 server

Patrice Freydiere frett27@free.fr
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 21:18:44 +0100

Hash: SHA1

I tried runme demo as service, on a W2k plateform, 

i built the Aws1.4 demo runme_server and runme_control.
for that i took the service.ad? and service-server.ad? files from the seti 
home project.

it build with a warning that i don't exactly remember ... 
then i put needed DLL (ssl, .. ) in the system32 directory. i checked that 
runme_server don't need further dependency.

then i registered the service using runme_control -i

and tried to launch the service using the control panel of windows.

first time it crash because it tried to launch a runme_server.exe in the 
current path .. 
i put a full path with the registry tool, then tried to launch it again ..
it crash ?? 
looking at the event panel, windows logged that an unexpected crash append, 
and it didn't the reason ! 

has any one information about debugging services ?


Le Mardi 20 Janvier 2004 18:44, David Marceau a écrit :
> I apologize for the previous rambling since it has been a while since I
> worked on a windows box.
> Seti ada source is nice ;)  In my mind the nt service stuff for this should
> work.
> Here are some other ways of getting around this if it still doesn't behave
> properly.
> I've never used this method though it seems ok since it looks à la
> unix/linux "hohup" style:
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/3991/nthowto.htm
> It does show up as a process but not in the nt service list.
> I've heard if you make a virtual device driver you can even have those not
> appear as processes.
> In other words it can be completely invisible as a service ;)  Book
> "Microsoft Systems engineering" for vxd's.
> This one I know works since I have used it in my past work:
> I can't quite emphasize enough how windows message processing is important
> for the snappy Service Control Panel response behaviour:
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/3991/ntsvrocx.zip
> http://support.microsoft.com:80/support/kb/articles/q137/8/90.asp&NoWebCont
> Perl script as an nt service uses intsrv and srvany:
> http://www.e-nef.com/perl/ntperl.html.en
> I've said enough.
> Cheers.
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