[AWS] AWS as a service on a Win2000 server

David Marceau davidmarceau@sympatico.ca
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 12:44:42 -0500

I apologize for the previous rambling since it has been a while since I worked
on a windows box.
Seti ada source is nice ;)  In my mind the nt service stuff for this should

Here are some other ways of getting around this if it still doesn't behave
I've never used this method though it seems ok since it looks à la unix/linux
"hohup" style:
It does show up as a process but not in the nt service list.
I've heard if you make a virtual device driver you can even have those not
appear as processes.  
In other words it can be completely invisible as a service ;)  Book "Microsoft
Systems engineering" for vxd's.

This one I know works since I have used it in my past work:
I can't quite emphasize enough how windows message processing is important for
the snappy Service Control Panel response behaviour:

Perl script as an nt service uses intsrv and srvany:

I've said enough.  
