[AWS] AWS as a service on a Win2000 server

David Marceau davidmarceau@sympatico.ca
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 08:26:27 -0500

Pascal Obry wrote:
> Anders,
>  > Thanx. Done.
>  > Does it do any harm to the service if I display information, like
>  > Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (OCI.Thick.Connections.Server_Version(Connect));
>  > which displays the Oracle version information on a console?
It's a problem.  Services are not attached to a console.  Notice there is no
Command prompt windows displayed anywhere.
There is way to have Gnat send stuff the the NT Event Log.  This is where is
should go.  Check out www.adapower.com for a sample because I saw one flying
around for this.

The problem is that as soon as you invoke an Ada program and especially if it is
an .EXE.  It will invoke ada_init.  There's a lot of housekeeping going on in
here.  That is why the NT Service Start is failing.  
Here is the sequence why it's failing:
1)you intsrv...the run_me.exe
2)run_me calls ada_init
3)the timeout for the nt service dll init passed by
4)hour glass shows
5)failure ;)

The "delay" statement you put is in fact irrelevant because it comes too
late...the problem is the time taken for doing the ada_init because it wants to
do it when the .exe gets loaded up.

Anyways, after looking at this I decided to look for nt service ada and I found

You can't have what you don't ask for right?

Cheers ;)