[AWS] AWS as a service on a Win2000 server
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 09:27:59 +0200
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Marceau [mailto:davidmarceau@sympatico.ca]=20
> The weird thing about nt services is that if you create a dll=20
> with too much housekeeping at the load time, the dll will not=20
> return immediately and as a result your dll will give the=20
> appearance that it failed to load and you end up with an hour=20
> glass Icon.
> nt service success trick #1
> ----------------------------
> Don't do any initialization at load time. Have some timer=20
> actually initialize your application after 5 seconds. That=20
> will give windows the chance to behave properly and return=20
> success for DLL_INIT... In fact the ideal is that you just=20
> return success in the DLL_INIT part right away. There should=20
> be about three lines.=20
> 1)load dll but don't do any init.=20
> 2)set a timer with a callback that in 5 seconds it will init=20
> and start aws=20
> 3)return success.
There must be something fundamental that I don=B4t do right.=20
I get the same error message:
"The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely =
even with the following program:
procedure Service_Test is
end loop;
end Service_Test;
instsrv anders C:\..\service_test.exe
net start anders